Crooked teeth can cause decay, infections, headaches and a host of other problems. At Wheatland Dental we provide Fast Braces so you can get straight teeth in 6-18 months. Book a consultation to find out more!


FASTBRACES® is comprehensive orthodontics, just like traditional braces and not short-term cosmetic orthodontics. It is an alternative to conventional treatments and utilizes doctor-prescribed treatment plans to address “bad bites” or malocclusions, such as overbites, underbites, crowding/crooked teeth, spacing/gaps, open bite and crossbites.

One of the key benefits to using FASTBRACES® for straightening teeth is that patients see a noticeable difference in their teeth within a matter of days and some could be out of the braces in about 100 days. Decreased reported pain is another reason behind the advantage of FASTBRACES® over other braces. In fact, the inventor never prescribed pain medication to his thousands of patients. Furthermore, the speedy alignment of FASTBRACES® assists dentists by making certain procedures less difficult, such as cleaning the crooked teeth, installing crowns, veneers or implants.


Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear removable Aligners to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. It has been proven effective in clinical research and in practices nationwide.

You wear each set of Aligners for about 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move - little by little, week by week - until they have straightened to the final position your Invisalign provider has prescribed.

You'll visit your doctor about once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages 9-15 months, and the average number of Aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but both will vary from case to case. The doctors at Wheatland have advanced training and have participated in many hours of post graduate study pertaining to orthodontics and invisible braces. With new techniques some orthodontic cases can be completed in as little as 10 months.